Botox or Juvederm? Which is the Right Treatment For You?

I have a lot of patients ask me what the difference between Botox and Juvederm are during consultations for facial rejuvenation procedures. Though the two may seem similar in that they treat wrinkles and help slow the process of aging, they work their magic in different ways. Therefore it is important to understand the difference between the two when it comes to choosing the right treatment for you.

The best way to do this is to look at yourself in the mirror, and concentrate on your wrinkles. If you look at your forehead, or around your eyes, you will see that you have wrinkles which may appear mild or moderate in nature. Now notice as you frown or squint your eyes. These wrinkles become deeper and more pronounced. Just think of how many times per day you are naturally frowning or squinting and not even realizing that you are actively working to worsen these wrinkles!

These are the areas in which Botox works best. Botox is actually a diluted paralytic agent which causes weakening of the muscle it is injected into. Therefore, when injected into the overused muscles which have led to your wrinkles, Botox makes these muscles weaken and relax. Your wrinkles then flatten out. Kind of like ironing the wrinkles out of a shirt. More importantly, with repeated treatments you start to lose the habit of frowning and squinting which led to the overuse of those muscles in the first place. This way you can actually prevent your wrinkles from getting deeper. A typical Botox treatment lasts 3-4 months.

Botox Brow Treatment


Botox Crow's Feet Treatment












Now look at the rest of your face in the mirror. Perhaps you have lines around the sides of your mouth in the shape of “parentheses” which are accentuated when you smile or laugh (laugh lines). Maybe you have bags under your eyes that are always there and make you look constantly tired. Or maybe you’ve just always wanted to have fuller lips, or to fix that bump in your nose without having to go through surgery.

If any of those situations sound like they apply to you then Juvederm may be the right solution for you. Juvederm belongs to a class of injectables called Dermal Fillers. Fillers treat wrinkles by raising them, or adding volume. Juvederm, specifically, is made of hyaluronic acid which is a naturally occurring substance in your skin that absorbs water and adds volume. Injection of this smooth, volume enhancing gel under the skin in areas of wrinkling and volume depletion instantly restores your skin’s volume and smooths away facial wrinkles and folds. For this reason, Juvederm is best when used around the laugh lines, cheeks, lips, under the eyes, and nose. Because it functions by absorbing your own body’s water, it’s effects increase over time. A single Juvederm treatment can last up to one year.

Juvederm Laugh Lines

Juvederm Lip Enhancement














This should help give you a better idea of the difference between Botox and Juvederm. Remember, ultimately your trained physician or surgeon will be able to determine which treatment is best for you. Often times, both are used in combination to achieve the optimal results.

BOTOX Treatment for Migraine Headaches

Did you know BOTOX can be used as an effective treatment for the prevention of chronic migraine headaches in adults? When injected at recommended doses in specific locations of the head and neck, BOTOX can produce relief from the onset of debilitating migraine headache symptoms which can last up to three months depending on the individual patient.

So what is the definition of a chronic migraine headache?

If you experience headaches which last 4 hours a day or longer on 15 or more days per month, then you suffer from chronic migraine headaches and are a candidate for BOTOX treatment.

Often, patients who suffer from chronic migraine headaches mistakenly self-diagnose their symptoms as regular tension headaches and treat themselves with drugs that provide quick, but temporary, relief. BOTOX is the first recognized medication that treats the headache symptoms before they even begin.

It is estimated that approximately 80 percent of those who meet the definition of Chronic Migraine have not received an accurate diagnosis and, as a result, may be unaware of their treatment options.

To read more about BOTOX treatment for Chronic Migraine Headaches and see if BOTOX treatment is right for you click here

Facebook Fan Special on BOTOX and JUVEDERM

We are offering a limited time exclusive special only to fans of our facebook page. As a special thank you, our facebook fans will receive 30% off their first treatment of BOTOX or JUVEDERM! Visit our facebook page to “Like Us” and become a Fan. You will be able to claim the deal from the page.  

Click here to visit our facebook page

Experts Warn Against Discount BOTOX Injections

A quick internet search by anyone interested in receiving the benefits of BOTOX Cosmetic will show countless advertisements offering consumers the opportunity to receive BOTOX injections for as little as $7 per unit. Although your first reaction may be to jump at the opportunity to look younger at such a little cost, experts warn that such promotions are dangerous and should be avoided, as was recently reported in the St. Petersburg Times.

 In 2009 alone, there were more than 2.5 million injections of BOTOX performed, making it the most frequently requested cosmetic procedure. With those numbers expected to rise yearly, the number of BOTOX providers has also risen. In addition to Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeons, BOTOX injections are now being administered by General Surgeons, Otolaryngologists, Dermatologists, Gynecologists, Family Practitioners, Nurses, and Spa Aestheticians to name a few. Many of the lesser experienced injectors attempt to attract their customers with low prices. Although the effects of BOTOX are not permanent, incorrectly administering the neurotoxin or using illegal product from a foreign country can lead to serious complications, and displeasing cosmetic results which cannot be reversed for at least 4 months.

A spokeswoman for BOTOX manufacturer, Allergan, stated: “Only a licensed and trained physician with experience in aesthetic medicine should administer BOTOX Cosmetic as this is a technique-sensitive procedure and one that should only be administered in a proper medical setting, like a doctor’s office.”

Patients are advised to find Board Certified Surgeons with experience in administering BOTOX. Make sure that the Neurotoxin being used is the authentic BOTOX Cosmetic supplied by Allergen, Inc. as labelled on the vial. Lastly, beware of prices that are too good to be true, as they likely are, and the product is often diluted in more saline than required making the effect weaker.

What’s the Right Age for Anti-Aging Surgical Solutions?

According to many doctors, there really is no correct age for undergoing a rejuvenating surgery like a facelift. While it may seem that only older women are opting for procedures like this, inherited aging tendencies may make you want to schedule surgery before your 50s or 60s.

Ultimately, the right time to have a procedure performed is when an area bothers you enough to do something about it and it can realistically be performed. And because younger skin is firmer and less lax, you’ll probably get a better result if you don’t wait.

In fact, many doctors are performing facial rejuvenation surgery on younger patients than in the past, and there’s good reason. A facelift at a younger age—like in your 40s—gives a more natural appearance, and the results may even last longer.

Dr. Leslie H. Stevens, a Plastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills states: “Each and every individual manifests signs of aging at a different rate and manner. Furthermore, chronological age is not in sync with biological age.
One may be ready for a face lift at forty and another not until they are in their sixties. Another advantage of starting early is smaller ‘maintenance’ procedures can be performed as needed. These smaller procedures may involve less down time and cost. There would also be not as drastic or significant change in appearance drawing less attention to oneself once healed.”*



Dr. Steven’s make’s an excellent point. Products such as BOTOX®, and Dermal Fillers (Juvéderm®, Radiesse®, etc.) have allowed both women and men to begin the process of facial rejuvenation at a much earlier age using non-surgical methods that are less invasive, safe, and effective. Many of the newer treatments are components of the body’s natural connective tissue matrix, and not only reduce existing wrinkles but may also prevent the formation of new ones. With effects lasting up to one year for some, look for the continued rise in non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures in patients starting from their late 30’s to early 40’s. 

BOTOX® Treatment for Excessive Sweating

Have you ever found yourself afraid to raise your arms in normal situations because others may see your underarm sweat stains? Do you hesitate to buy new clothes because they might be ruined by underarm sweat? Do you constantly worry that someone will notice your sweat stains? Do you find yourself changing clothes frequently, or putting absorbent materials under your clothing to prevent sweat stains from showing? Though most people can control this mild to moderate sweating with over the counter antiperspirants, for some the sweating is so excessive that it interferes with their daily activities. This causes physical as well as psychological problems, such as social isolation and emotional trauma.

Primary Axillary Hyperhidrosis (PAH) is the medical term used to describe the condition of severe excessive underarm sweating. Simply put, PAH is a condition that involves overactive sweat glands. Most people who suffer from excessive underarm sweating have often tried numerous different clinical strength antiperspirants and topical medications to treat their excessive sweating with poor results.

In 2004, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) approved BOTOX® for the treatment of severe primary axillary hyperhidrosis in patients unable to obtain relief using antiperspirants or other clinical strength topical medicines. Treatment with BOTOX® helps control the symptoms of severe underarm sweating by temporarily blocking the chemical signals from the nerves that stimulate the sweat glands. When the sweat glands don’t receive chemical signals, they stop producing sweat. BOTOX® injections are expected to temporarily stop the production of excessive sweat in the treated areas only. Sweat continues to be produced elsewhere. Your pores do not get clogged and the sweat does not get backed up. The rest of your body continues to produce moisture normally.

BOTOX® treatment for severe excessive underarm sweating is safe, quick, and effective. Approximately 15-20 small injections are made underneath the skin of the armpit to block the release of the neurotransmitter responsible for the production of sweat by the sweat glands. The entire procedure takes about 10 minutes and complications are rare. Results are proven. In one clinical study involving 322 patients with severe underarm sweating, 81% of the patients receiving BOTOX® injections achieved a greater than 50% reduction in sweating with 50% of the patients having their excessive sweating relieved for up to 7 months. BOTOX® is now also being used for the treatment of excessive sweating of the hands and feet.

It is important to remember, however, that treatment with BOTOX®  for severe excessive sweating is not a cure; your symptoms will return gradually, and you will require further treatments in 4-7 months.

If you believe you are suffering from severe excessive sweating that is significantly interfering with your daily activities, ask your physician if BOTOX® could be right for you.

Do You Suffer From Migraines? Here’s How BOTOX Can Help…

We’ve all experienced an intense headache at some point, and know how incapacitating they can be. For 12% of Americans these debilitating headaches which cause severe pulsing or throbbing pain occur on a regular basis, and are better known as Migraine headaches.

Migraine headaches, however, are not like your simple headache. They can trigger a wide range of symptoms including nausea/vomiting, fatigue, shoulder/neck pain, and a sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine sufferers usually isolate themselves to a dark and quiet setting until the episode of pain passes, which often can take anywhere from a few hours to days. Patients often find themselves making lifestyle adjustments, and trying several different prescription medication in order to cope with their migraines.

Just as finding an exact cause for the development of migraines has been a challenge, so has finding an effective treatment. Common medications used in the treatment of migraines include antidepressants, blood-pressure medications and medications that target the brain chemical serotonin, which is involved in regulating mood, satiety and satisfaction. Each of these targets a specific aspect in the suspected cause of migraines, however each also comes with its own set of side effects, and none have been very effective in treating migraine patients. Moreover, while certain medications may be useful in the treatment of an acute episode of a migraine, there is a limitation of effective medical options when it comes to the prophylaxis and prevention of the onset of migraine headaches. 

It was by pure accident that the use of BOTOX® was found to be effective in the prevention of migraine headaches. Physicians using BOTOX® on their patients for cosmetic purposes were being told by certain patients that it had also resulted in relief of their migraine symptoms. This led to numerous case studies over the past seven years which provided evidence that migraines and chronic tension headaches may respond to BOTOX® injections.

The exact mechanism by which BOTOX® prevents headaches is unclear. One theory is that BOTOX® may reduce the perception of pain, which means sufferers become less sensitive to headaches and triggers overall. BOTOX® also relaxes muscles and reduces tightness in various areas, therefore reducing patients’ sensitivity in potential trigger points. If migraine sufferers receive BOTOX® injections in the muscles that become constricted often, they may reduce the frequency of migraine episodes and related symptoms.

The administration of BOTOX® for the treatment of migraines is technically simple, and usually takes about 10 minutes when done by a qualified physician. Multiple injections are given into seven specific sites around the head and neck. BOTOX® does not cause any systemic or serious side effects, and when injected at labeled doses in recommended areas, is expected to produce results lasting up to three months depending on the individual patient.

Since its discovery as a benefit for the prevention of migraine headaches many patients have started to prefer BOTOX® injections over conventional prescription drugs because of its apparently high efficacy and remarkable safety. This led to the FDA’s approval of BOTOX® in October, 2010 for treatment of patients with chronic migraines, which is defined as a “distinct and severe neurological disorder characterized by patients who have a history of migraine and suffer from headaches on 15 or more days per month with headaches lasting four hours a day or longer.”

If you or someone you know fall into this category of chronic migraine patients, make sure you discuss with your doctor to see whether BOTOX® is appropriate for you.